ROHR Water

Blue stripe pipe is just blue stripe pipe isn’t it? Well no…sadly Rest assured, all of ROHR’s blue stripe pipe is watermarked, and it is all made from 100% virgin material. Many suppliers will use the Australian standards allowance of adding internally produced regrind into pipe. At ROHR we NEVER add […]

ROHR Black Utility

ROHR Black Utility pipe is the workhorse pipe of the industry. It is used for multiple applications and used to fabricate assemblies and fittings. Some typical large scale uses are dewatering pipes for mines, fabricated pontoons, sleeves for piles, rehabilitation of storm and sewer pipes, leachate systems and so on. We […]

ROHR Coex White

ROHR coex white is made with an outer layer filled with titanium dioxide (TiO2), essentially sunscreen for your pipe. The white outer layer performs two functions, firstly reflecting heat from the suns rays and secondly the TiO2 slows heat transfer as a natural property, when compared to black raw material. This […]

ROHR Comms

A tough PE100 based conduit typically sold in 63mm and 110mm diameters, with a white outer coextrusion layer. Used extensively in the directional drilling market, our PE100 conduits are a proven way to save on infrastructure development costs. Savings relate to reinstatement costs of pavements, traffic control and other remediation costs. […]

ROHR Sewer (Pumped)

Produced to the same high watermarked standards as our blue striped pipe, these cream striped pumped sewer lines are typically sold in SDR11 or 16bar ratings and used for high pressure transfer of sewer. These can also be produced on request using the same light grey lining as the Sewervis range […]

ROHR Recycled Water

Rohr can produce either full purple coextruded or purple striped pipe for your recycled/reclaimed water pipe needs. Purple is the colour of choice for many sporting field and horse track irrigation projects as water may be either reclaimed water or rainwater and this colour choice allows for either to be used. […]


ROHR can support you with all your gas pipe needs, whether they be CSG or reticulated town gas. We have ISO Type 5 certification for our production of AS4130 gas pipe. The team members behind ROHR have been the driving force behind many innovations in the gas sector, whether they be […]


ROHR Fire is a red striped pipe designed to comply with the Australian standard for identification of services relating to fire systems. HDPE is only permitted to be used below ground for fire system connections. Typical sizes for fire service pipes are 125mm, 180mm and up to 250mm. Some fire suppression […]


A tough PE100 based conduit typically sold in 63, 110, 125 and 140mm diameters, with an orange outer coextrusion layer. Used extensively in the directional drilling market, our PE100 conduits are a proven way to save on infrastructure development costs. Savings relate to reinstatement costs of pavements, traffic control and other […]

ROHR Drain

ROHR Drain subsoil pipe is manufactured to AS2439.1 using fully recyclable black High Density Polyethylene (HDPR) for SN8 applications and fully recyclable white Polyethylene (PP) for more demanding SN20 applications. Alsop supplied with optional RMS/RTA compliant filter sock. (RHOR Drain may also be known as Subsoil Drainage pipe or Ag Pipe) […]